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EAT – balanced & regional cuisine in Das Hopfgarten

Movement, regeneration and nourishment- these are the three pillars of our Move & Relax philosophy. They form the sustainable base for a life full of health and balance. This is, of course, also reflected in our hotel's own Move & Relax Energy Kitchen, which has been ideally adapted to the needs of old and young guests.

Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol invites you - to dine and enjoy. Attached to the hotel, you can find our restaurant with its own kitchen. A romantic evening or two or dinnertime in a family-friendly atmosphere - here, everyone is warmly welcomed!

We serve you specialities, for which the alpine area around Kitzbühel is famous. With our selection, we attach great importance to our ingredients and the preparation of our meals.

  • Regionality
  • Freshness
  • Quality
  • Sustainability
  • And a healthy lifestyle

And with this, we also serve typical Austrian hospitality with every dish.

In Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol we don't just serve well-balanced and regional delicacies - we also serve you a selection of experiences. In the forefront, is an unforgettable stay in our hotel, which will stay in your memory for a long time.

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Local & traditional specialities

Adapted to the needs of babies & toddlers

At the buffet or prepared by yourself - In Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirolyou will find food and snacks, which make both the kids and parents very happy.

You and your kids can, for example, prepare healthy and equally tasty energy balls yourselves - and of course gobble them all up. What's more, we offer all children staying as a guest at Das Hopfgarten Familotel their own buffet. This has been adapted to the wishes and preferences of the youngest guests and is therefore extremely popular.

Baby food & equipment: In our baby corner, there is everything that little guests could need - starting with milk or jarrred food and porridge to high chairs and bibs all the way to toys and the Familotel's own drinking cups.

In the hotel's own child care - Pletzi's Happy Club - fruit and vegetables are prepared in a playful way and made especially tasty for kids.

Additionally, in our hotel's own kitchen ingredients, which have been defined as unfruitful for children are reduced or foregoed. This includes:

  • White sugar
  • White flour
  • White rice
  • Margarine, palm oil & any trans fats
  • Convenience products & fritters
  • Glutamats & yeast extract

Regional delicacies from Austria

At the PLETZER resorts, we attach great value to regionality and local produce, which is also reflected in our meals. So that we not only provide our guests with pure delicacies, but can also do something good for the environment! Thanks to short delivery channel, each day we save emissions and reduce our CO2 footprint.

That’s why we prefer ingredients from regional suppliers.

  • The Margreiter bakery provides the bread, breadrolls and baked goods that can be enjoyed, for example, at our breakfast buffet.
  • We regularly receive fresh vegetables and the best fruit in Austria from the fruit wholesaler Maier.
  • The Organic cheese dairy in Walchsee (Biokäserei Walchsee produces cheese of an exceptional quality and this is made available to us immediately after preparation.
  • The regional meat comes from animals, which are born, raised and also slaughtered in Austria.

Move & Relax Energy Food Kids

In hardly any other age and development stage does diet play such a large role as amongst children. That's why, we offer our extensive Move & Relax kitchen not just to adults but also to young guests.

The unique service, that we offer at Das Hopfgarten, enables meals together to become an experience for the whole family. For that reason, we combine high-quality and regional produce with personalised ingredients in our cuisine. The aim is to create dishes, which don't just promise the highest level of indulgence, but are also fun. Your kids can rediscover ingredients and get to know the Move & Relaxdishes in a playful way. That makes the family holiday a very special experience.

Eating that old and young enjoy

At our breakfast buffet, you can expect a large selection of rich food:

  • Move & Relax Area
  • Yoghurts to mix yourself & muesli
  • Fresh seasonal fruit
  • Regional cheese & sausage selection
  • Healthy spreads
  • Jams, which only come from Austria
  • Various, regional and seasonal juices
  • Juice centrifuge for the ultimate fresh kick!
  • Turmeric, ginger, fresh pepper & high-quality salt as IMMUNE BOOST ADD ONS
    • Turmeric can display an anti-inflammatory effect, especially amongst athletes. Thanks to the anti-oxidative characteristics of the spice, the immune system is strengthened.
    • Ginger as an immunity boost
    • Salt for fluid balance
    • Pepper supports the body's defences with its anti-inflammatory effect. Pepper is also recommend for fat burning.
  • Warm egg dishes
  • Crispy baked goods
  • Freshly baked bread

We have labelled our our healthy and well-balanced alternative according to the Move & Relax philosophy with the Move & Relax logo in green & blue.
At our breakfast buffet, you can also find stand-up displays, which disclose why these ingredients are beneficial for your health, the immune system or the body's own defences and why they are ideal in supporting you. True to our Move & Relax philosophy, old and young can find new energy in Hopfgarten and do something good for their personal health.

Whether you are now particularly active or simply want to relax in Das Hopfgarten Familotel during your stay - You have the choide between the Mover & the Relaxer breakfast.

As a healthy snack, you can also find a well-balanced offer of fruit and vegetables. For this purpose, we reduce sweets, chocolate bars, whey products, cream yoghurts etc. at lunch and during the breaks. Strengthened and full of energy, parents and children can then enjoy the afternoon in the hotel, in nature or at one of the popular excursion destinations around Hopfgarten.

During evening meals, you can select your favourites from the buffet and create your own dream dinner. At our buffet, you can choose between regional, high-quality delights and international classics:

  • Soups
  • Cold or warm starters
  • Fresh salads
  • Main meals with front cooking and Move & Relax meals
  • Vegetarian selection
  • Selection of desserts from the hotel's own confectioners and ice cream - also as a healthy option

If you decide on our Move & Relax option at the buffet, not only delicious treats from the region are brought to the table, but also dishes, which have been designed using selected ingredients and healthy treats.

Of course, we also serve suitable food for children. During preparation, we also make sure to serve healthy ingredients from the region with love for detail. In addition to this, we also place the highest value on the ingredients: So we only offer, for example, carefully cooked vegetables, which keep their nutrients and aromas during the cooking process. As an alternative to the vegetarian children's menus, fish is also used as an ingredient three times a week. In fish, there is specifically the perfect mix of easily digestible egg white and good fats.

In keeping with the Move & Relax Philosophy

With the right diet, you can exercise a lot: That's why we place the greatest importance on health and well-balanced meals at Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol, which accompany you and your family perfectly during an active holiday. At the same time, the Move & Relax cuisine is not only outstanding, but is also good for our bodies:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Replenishes energy reserves
  • Looks jaw-dropping
  • Benefits the body's own defences
  • Delivers useful carbohydrates
  • Is the right choice for every active, aware and motivated guest


Do you have any questions about our EAT concept or any personal preferences, that we can consider in the food at Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol?

Contact us!

In keeping with the Move & Relax Philosophy

With the right diet, you can exercise a lot: That's why we place the greatest important on health and well-balanced meals at Das Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol, which accompany you and your family perfectly during an active holiday. At the same time, the Move & Relax cuisine is not only outstanding, but is also good for our bodies:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Replenishes energy reserves
  • looks jaw-dropping
  • Benefits the body's own defences
  • Delivers useful carbohydrates
  • Is the right choice for every active, aware and motivated guest

Do you have any questions about our EAT concept or any personal preferences, that we can consider in the food at the Hopfgarten Familotel Tirol?

Contact us!

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